+ if you leave coffee in a mug for a long period of time it congeals into a hard brown mass.
+ given 2-3 months i have the ability to fill a small bird feeder with cigarette butts.
+ wearing keds without socks results in a very bad oder.
+ despite the walk, washington square park is better then tompkins.
+ paying $30 for a "vintage" ie 90's dress in new york city is considered reasonable and a "good score."
+ when the zipper on your bag is broken, strangers will inform you of this in a very hesitant yet frantic manner.
+ eating moldy bread doesn't make you sick (emotionally yes, physically no).
+ grizzly bears are a lot bigger and more terrifying then originally thought.
+ buying toilet paper two times in a row will diffuse tension between roommates.
+ vegan pizza, red velvet cupcakes and pistachio ice cream= delicious.
+ i dislike any sort of job involving the program excel.
+ i can and will mosh when the situation calls for it.
+ the mustache can be pulled off by a number of young men working at ICP.